6 Months to Success
When you take the time to invest in yourself holistically, you’re able to halt old patterns and call in abundance personally AND professionally in ways that are genuinely sustainable.
This is where the personal, professional and mystical intersect.
In 6 Months to Success, you’re guaranteed the time and tools to understand…
Your personal strengths and areas for growth
The needs within your money making endeavors
How to truly manifest what you desire
Start by scheduling a free 30 minute session.
What’s Included
One 1:1 Holistic Business Coaching session per week
Enneagram Assessment & Review
‘Personal Pillars & Values’ Training
Intention & Goal Setting Workshop
Body Compass Tool Training
12 Laws of the Universe Manifestation Workshop
Customized plan for success
Imagine yourself 10 years from now.
What do you want to be known for?
Who do you want around you?
What does your day to day look and feel like?
What would this 10 year version of you say to current you?
If you aren’t clear on where you’re headed, your business decisions will reflect that. Join me to learn how to contain your energy and focus it towards your definition of success.